Not Enough Time

"I didn't have the time," "I had too much to do," how much time does it take to get out of bed in the morning? How much time does it take to eat breakfast? How long do you sit in the car or on the bus on your way to work? 

Ten minutes here, ten minutes there, with an iPod or other mp3 device is all you need to get started listening to podcasts or audio books. 

Here is how it works.  

  1. Listen to the podcast or audio book.  
  2. Stop it after five minutes.
  3. Try and recreate the details of the text in your mind. If you can't recall everything, listen again.
  4. Then try and go over all the points again in your mind. When doing so, think in English, not in German.

After some practice extend the length of the piece you listen to.  

Two English skills are practiced with this method.

  1. Listening comprehension
  2. thinking and in English

That's ten, maybe fifteen minutes for a little English practice.

                                                                                                 Give it a try.

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